Sunday, August 5, 2012

Trying to be Polite

I like when people take an interest in me and the things I'm doing. It's great! People ask me questions and smile when I'm telling them about the things that I like, how I'm feeling, and the things that I'm doing with my life.

It does, however, get quite annoying when different people ask you the same question over, and over, and over, and over again, specifically at family functions with people that you don't see but once every couple years. The first couple times I am excited, and then after that a little less, but I still enthusiastically tell my life situation. A while after that I simple start to rattle off bullet points of information, and drone on until all the basics have been covered. Soon after that I simply say that things are going great and nothing has changed; I then stand there and hope the person will walk away bored.

It's not their FAULT. Perhaps they were truly interested, were sitting next to me and felt the need to politely converse, or perhaps they were bored and needed conversation--with any of those options they didn't know that they were the twelfth person that day, and probably 50th person that month to ask me the same questions and tell me the same "interesting facts" that 'nobody else knows'. I try to have patience, but it sometimes wears thin.

Anyway, you know it's a boring party when, after a few minutes of listening to the random conversations around me, I know that all of them can somehow be traced back to the things I told each and every one of those people. There's no way that everyone cares so much about what I'm doing that they want to talk about it at a party--there's just nothing else to talk about.

It just made me think about the things that I really like to converse about. Sure--I like when people take an interest in me, but it doesn't mean that I like to talk about myself all day. Not to toot my own horn--I'm pretty interesting, yea, but even I get sick of myself after a while.

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