Monday, July 9, 2012

Perhaps Just One

Some people care a lot

Lots of people don't care at all

Some people pretend to care

Some people understand lots of things

Lots of people understand some things

Lots of people pretend to understand

Nobody really understands

There are some things you can talk to anyone about

There are lots of things you can't talk to anyone about

There are some things you can talk to some people about

There are lots of things you can talk to lots of people about

There are some people you can't talk to about anything

There aren't very many people you can talk to about anything

I wish I had more people that I could talk to about anything

It's just that not enough people care

It's just that not enough people understand enough

It's just that people pretend

Lining all of the variables up to find someone who you can talk to about anything who understands enough and cares, and doesn't pretend--that's a tough one.

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