Thursday, July 19, 2012

Something Better

I don't like trying lots of new ice cream flavors. I mean, I don't HATE trying new ice cream flavors, I love almost every kind of ice cream, but I tend to stick with the ones that I know are good. It doesn't mean that I don't know that there are some pretty amazing flavors out there.

It really sucks though when you go to the ice cream shop with a friend 100 times, and every single time they get Vanilla. Now, Vanilla isn't a BAD flavor--but there are so many things that are better than Vanilla. No, not Vanilla. Some AMAZING flavor. Something SUPER GOOD. Insert your own flavor right there. But it goes bad after sitting for too long in the little bucket that they have at Ice Cream shops. It gets all moldy and gross and that shop just won't bring in a new tub of that flavor until the old one is gone. Your friend just keeps on getting that old moldy ice cream and throwing up every time they have it, but they keep getting it because it USED to be good, and they want that good taste again.

Wow, this is a horrible analogy.

Let's start over.

It sucks when you have a friend that is doing something stupid. They know it is stupid, but they don't stop. They know that their situation is horrible but they don't know anything better. When they are dating someone that they hate, and they have broken up with them and gotten back together with them 3 times. In the past 6 months. But they don't know anything better. And they are insecure. And they hate them self for it, and they want something better, and they tried, but they always go back to what they know.

Like a dog to vomit.

They could have any kind of ice cream that they wanted, but they stick with their moldy ice cream, just because it used to be good.

Now I'm all for FIXING what's broken instead of just throwing it away, but some things just can't be fixed.

It kind of sucks though because I've never had that better kind of ice cream, but I can totally tell that it's better than what they have in their hand right now. Almost anything is better than that moldy crap.

What they have in their hand used to be fine, but it's gone bad, and no matter how many sprinkles you put on it, and how many times you put it in the microwave to kill the mold, then try to re-freeze the icecream, it will never be good.

It's easy to tell that, when someone is never happy when they are with the person they are dating, it's time to change something. It just sucks because no matter how many times they text and call you and chat to you asking for advice and telling you how horrible their situation is, and how many times you tell them what they need to do, they just don't do it.

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