Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tricky Paradoxes 2

Suppose Jack has a strong distaste for wishy-washy people. People who don't know what they want, are afraid to say it, or aren't willing to stand up for what they beleive because of fear of conflict. He likes strong people who know what they want or beleive, and aren't afraid to say as much.

Then, there is Jill. She has a strong attraction to Jack. Jill is a strong person, but she understands that sacrifices must sometimes be made in interpersonal relationships to keep both parties happy. Jack likes certain traits or characteristics that Jill doesn't have, but does like the fact that Jill is a strong person. Would Jill, by changing herself to more fit the tastes of Jack and adding traits that he finds attractive yet she does not yet have, be contradicting the very thing that Jack found attractive in her? Would this ruin the basis of the entire relationship in an attempt by Jill to be more appealing?

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