Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Anxiety and Patience

Patience is a virtue. Why is it a virtue? Because so many people lack it. Instant gratification is what our society is all about. Fast food. Faster Internet. One-day shipping. Faster Cars. Now don't get me wrong--I am very glad that we don't have slow internet because now I can order presents for people online when I forget that their birthday is the next day! I am also thankful that there is one-day shipping so they will get their present on time after I order it. Without the fast cars the mailmen couldn't bring the package quickly enough, and without the fast food they would be taking lunch breaks that were too long. There is nothing wrong with getting things fast.

Anxiety stems from when we think that something that should be happening isn't happening, or something that we don't want to happen, is. I know it all too well--that feeling that somehow resides in both your stomach and the back of your mind that something isn't right. What makes us feel anxious though? Anxiety is not simply nervousness, we are anxious because we feel we deserve something that we aren't getting.

But why be anxious? I used to get anxious about a lot of things--I felt I deserved better grades in school, a better social life, better possessions--but as I matured, I realized that some things will happen in their own time frame. I don't need a brand new computer this minute, or a nice new car next week. I began to realize that if something was meant to happen, then it would happen. There was no forcing it and worrying about it wouldn't make it happen faster. When it happens, it will be perfect.

I'm not always perfect, but I like to think of myself as a chill person now--I try not to worry about the future or be anxious about things that I can't control. True, sometimes I become complacent about things that do deserve more immediate attention, but I have come to realize that there are many things that are out my hands. I do want them, but there is no reason to fret. Forcing the point can often ruin a good thing. If it is going to happen then all the pieces will fall into place.

Some things are just worth waiting for.

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