Saturday, October 29, 2011

Certain Days

I'm sure you have had those days. The days where you wake up and know its going to be a bad day. Sure enough, the shower never fully heats up, the toaster is broken, you run out of toothpaste, and the bus is 15 minutes late. A horrible day. You walk around doing the things that you know you are supposed to, but all you really want to do is go home and lay in bed so that nothing else bad happens. 2 failed quizzes later, and a still-damp soda stain all over the side of your leg, you sit on the bus just wanting to go home and have a nice dinner. Maybe some more bad things happen, maybe they dont, but as you lay in bed that night, the day's occurances running through your mind, you can't sleep. You are exhausted, and all the bad things continue to take their toll on your mind even as you try to forget them.

Yea, those days suck. However, today wasn't one for me. It was a good day. I had fun, got some sun, hung in excellent company, ate lots of food, took some naps, and I have a brighter outlook on life after some of the day's occurances. Sure, I will have some bad days again in the future--there is no stopping that, but today as I am putting my head on the pillow, I will not toss and turn, regretting the days events. Tired? Yes. Drained? No. These days add to my life, not take away. Today was a satisfying day; I hope I have many more just like it in the future.

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