Thursday, February 21, 2013

Adding Up Those Bucks

So, after writing my Just a Buck entry, I started thinking about the things you can buy with a dollar. It's pretty sad, actually, but even going to a dollar store, the things that are actually a dollar are few and far between. I kind of want to start suing every dollar store that I find for false advertising, but I'm too lazy.

Now, I like  nice things, don't get me wrong, but I also hate spending large amounts of money on things that I could buy for cheaper. Ok fine, I guess that makes me stingy, but I like to think of it as thrifty. I was amazed, as I was grocery shopping the other day, to see a semi-large pack of licorice on sale for a dollar, so I quickly grabbed it and threw it in my basket along with my staples. At another store, I saw these "throw blankets" on sale for a dollar each, and it seemed like a great steal so I grabbed two of those. Hey, just a dollar each, right!?!

Finding something to buy that is actually a dollar is like finding a little treasure, and something in my brain just goes "You MUST capitalize on this NOW!" So I do. Well, before I knew it, I'd probably spent $10 on one dollar items. Those sneaky stores! They are really good at finding ways to take my money.

I wonder how much money I've spent on one dollar items when it's all added up. Probably at least a couple thousand dollars in my life.

I guess every buck really does count.

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